
Mar - 14 - 2011

Welcome to the Trinity College Kandy Global Network!

We will explain some details regarding this site, so as a new visitor you will find this website more convenient. The purpose of this website is to provide information to visitors, students, parents, and old boys of Trinity and keep them updated about various aspects of the college, and also to provide an interface to discuss and share comments, ideas, details and articles that are relevant to the aspects discussed. The site is still under construction and development as you may notice. We appreciate your support in making this a success. This is an open platform where every Trinitian can express his opinions and ideas. We would appreciate if you could help us to publicize this website among all Trinitians. As of now, these are the main sections in the navigation area of this website:


1. Home Page

2. Forum( Link)

3. Gallery

4. Article Sections – News, History, Societies, Sports, Events & Alumni


1. Home Page


This page displays featured articles and newest posts within the website in an interactive platform.


There are various selected navigation widgets of the website for the ease of access.

Use the “Upload Photos to Gallery” option to share your photos that are relevant to the college.

You will notice our Facebook Fan Page updates, please “Like” this page to recieve updates from the site and to give our site more exposure and support.

There is also a “Submit Articles” area on the right if you wish to publish an article to the Frontpage and News, History, Societies, Sports, Events & Alumni sections to provide content to the website.

The submitted articles will be displayed in the website after being reviewed by the site’s administrators, credit will be given where it is due. Mention any references/websites that you used to write the article.


You can also provide us with articles by:

1. Contacting any of the site moderators or emailing us at


(Website Administrators)


2. Posting the article in a thread inside the Forum( Link )


2. Forum

This is the discussion area of the website. You are invited to also register in the forum and participate in the discussions regarding the school. To register: (Link)

There are few sections dedicated to Trinitians (current and old). But special access is necessary to view these sections. To gain special access, fill out the membership form.  Your membership will be reviewed and confirmed on the grounds of acknowledgement of studentship by a batchmate. If this method is not applicable to you, you can always contact one of our team members and they will guide you through the process.

Currently the Forum page is still in the initial stage but you might notice in the forum there is a banner (which changes) so aspiring graphic designers, here’s your chance. You can submit banners to be displayed in the home page and forum area. To do this you need to post your banner in this thread ( Link ). When the final version of the home page is released it will be updated to display a banner as well.


3. Gallery

You can view albums and photos here. Also upload any photos regarding the college as you wish and we will make them visible after reviewing.


4. Articles – News, History, Societies, Sports, Events & Alumni

Articles submitted by site administrators and site visitors will be displayed in these sections.


So these are the main sections of the website we have so far. So contribute to the site by providing articles, giving the site publicity by telling your friends and colleagues, and by joining the facebook fan page of our site:



We will update this post when needed.

Enjoy the website.

“Respice Finem”



– Tharindu Weerasooriya & Yashwanth Dahanayake (TCK Batch of 2010)

Trinity College Kandy Global Network Website



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Published 14 years ago

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